Aingels Inc

Jul 10, 20192 min

Is Running The Best Way To Lose Weight? The answer may surprise you

Ever wonder what is the best exercise to lose weight without getting exhausted? Surprisingly a hard, intense workout may not be the solution. Research has shown that the type of exercise you do is less important than the average heart rate you achieve during your exercise.

Heart Rate Zones

A little research reveals that the maximum heart rate (max HR) we should achieve is 220 beats per minute(bpm) minus our age. From this information the guidance is simple.

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What exercise Heart Rate should you target?

For most of us, the target exercise heart rate should be 60-70%, but if you are starting out, you should be focused on 50-60%. Eventually you should strive for the 60-70% zone. Beyond this heart rate level depends on whether you are exercising for other purposes such as preparing for a race or just an interest in a more intense physical activity.

How do you stay fit and lean?

The answer is a little surprising. The maximum fat burning zones are the Healthy Heart zone and the Fitness/Energy Recovery zones. In both of these zones, the energy source for the calories burned is 85% from fat. The energy source for the more intense zones drops down to 50% or less from fat and more from readily burned carbohydrates.

Calories Burned does not Equal Fat Burned

Take for example brisk walking - a Healthy/Fitness zone activity (2.5 miles/hour or 4 kilometers/hour) burns approximately 175 calories every 30 minutes - 85% of calories from fat cells, or 150 calories.

Then next there is running, an Aerobic zone activity (5 miles/hour or 8 kilometers/hour) burns approximately 350 calories every 30 minutes - 50% of calories from fat cells, or 175 calories. There isn't much difference and you can makeup this difference by just brisk walking an extra 5 minutes, without getting overly exhausted.

Low Fat Burn Zone (15% and below)

What is more concerning is that the more your heart rate goes up (above 70%), the less fat you burn as your body focuses on carbohydrates, which it starts to crave and increases your appetite. 

The Bottom Line?

If you want to optimize your weight loss and reduce the stress on your body, fast walking is a great fitness and weight loss solution that shouldn't increase your appetite. A daily dose of Fast Walking may just give you that healthier, leaner, long life you want.
